Thursday 23 December 2021

The Best Acts Of Kindness A Muslim Can Show To A Non-Muslim

The Best Acts Of Kindness A Muslim 

Can Show To A Non-Muslim

Shaykh ‘Abd Al-‘Azīz Ibn Bāz رحمه الله said:

“1. The first thing is to invite them to Allāh and clarify to them the reality of Islām as much as the person is able, based upon their knowledge and insight. This is the greatest act of kindness and most important act of kindness.

2. It is not permissible to oppress non-Muslims. It is not permissible to oppress non-Muslims with regards to their lives, wealth or honour. Do not oppress them with regards to their wealth by stealing, deceit or cheating. Do not oppress them with regards to their bodies by hitting them or the like. 

3. There is nothing wrong with interacting with non-Muslims in business such as buying, selling, and renting. 

Also, treat your non-Muslim neighbours kindly. Give them charity and gifts if they are poor. Give them advice that might benefit them. As for participating with them in their holidays and festivals, the Muslim should not participate with them in this.”

[ Translated By Rasheed Ibn Estes Barbee]

[To read this text in Spanish Language, click here]

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