Sunday, 3 July 2011

But if I go, I will send him to you

Reference: As Sifaat al Ilaahiyyah : p.66
Author: Shaykhul Islaam Ibnul Qayyim
Topic: To non-Muslims

The Messiah’s statement: “But if I go, I will send him to you.”

What this means is, that I will send him by supplicating and requesting my Lord to send him, just as a person requests from a ruler to send a messenger, or to appoint someone a certain position, or to give someone something. He would then say; ‘I sent that person, or I appointed him such a position, or I gave him such a thing.’ Meaning I was the cause, for indeed if Allaah decrees a thing, He decrees causes for it as well, and amongst those causes is the supplication of some of His servants for something to take place. Amongst the blessings of this way, is that in addition to responding to the supplication of the servant, He brings to be what He had already decreed. And Muhammad’s forefather; the beloved Abraham – may the Salaat and Salaam be upon them both, supplicated for him to be sent before as well:
{ "Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own who shall recite unto them Your Verses and instruct them in the Book (this Qur-aan) and al-Hikmah and purify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." } [al Baqarah: 129]
[He supplicated with this] even though Allaah decreed Muhammad’s prophet-hood and mentioned his name before this supplication. Likewise it was said to Muhammad; “O Messenger of Allaah, when were you made our prophet?”
He responded:
“While Adam was between the stages of a soul and a body.”
He also said:
“Indeed I was decreed to be the last prohet by Allaah while Adam was still being created from earth.”
This is similar to the victory that Allaah decreed for him at the battle of Badr; from the causes of the victory was the Messenger’s supplication and imploration for victory. Likewise is what Allaah decrees from the sending of rain, He may make the supplication and imploration of His servants a cause for it, . Furthermore, He may make the cause for what He decrees in terms of forgiveness, mercy and guidance, the supplication of those who receive such bounties or others who supplicate for them.

So it is only logical that the Messiah asked His Lord to send his brother Muhammad as a messenger after he ascended to the heavens, and this would be one of the causes for his prophet-hood, in addition to his forefather Abraham’s supplication. Abraham however, asked Allaah to do so while he was still in the life of this world, and this is why it was mentioned by Allaah the Glorified, while the Messiah asked after he ascended to the heavens.
Also ponder over the statement of the Messiah:

“I will not leave you as orphans, but I will soon come to you.”

Just contemplate how this statement coincides with the statement of his brother Muhammad the son of ‘Abdullaah, may the Salaat and Salaam be upon them both:
“Indeed the son of Mary will descend upon you as a just judge and a fair leader. He will slaughter the pig, sever the cross and establish the Jizyah.”
He also requested his nation to convey to ‘Eesa (Jesus), the greeting of peace. He was also reported to have said:
“How could a people, who have me in the beginning and ‘Eesaa (Jesus) at the end, be destroyed?”

إذا انطلقت أرسلته إليكم
المرجع: الصفات الالهية: ص 66
المؤلف :شيخ الإسلام ابن قيم
الباب: دعوة غير المسلمين

قول المسيح: " إذا انطلقت أرسلته إليكم ". معناه أني أرسله بدعاء ربي وطلبي منه أن يرسله، كما يطلب الطالب من ولي الأمر أن يرسل رسولا أو يولي نائبا أو يعطي أحدا، فيقول أنا أرسلت هذا ووليته وأعطيته. يعني أني كنت سببا في ذلك؛ فإن الله سبحانه إذا قضى أن يكون الشيء فإنه يقدر له أسبابا يكون بها، ومن تلك الأسباب دعاء بعض عباده بأن يفعل ذلك فيكون في ذلك من النعمة إجابة دعائه مضافا إلى نعمته بإيجاد ما قضى كونه، ومحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قد دعا به الخليل أبوه فقال:
رَبَنا وَابعَث فيهِم رَسولاً مِنهُم يَتلو عَلَيهِم آَياتِكَ، وَيُعَلِِمُهُم الكِتابَ وَالحِكمَةَ وَيُزكيهِم " إنّكَ أَنتَ العَزيزُ الحَكيم - البقرة: 129
مع أن الله سبحانه قد قضى بإرساله وأعلن باسمه قبل ذلك، كما قيل له: يا رسول الله: متى كنت نبيا؟
قال: وآدم بين الروح والجسد
إني عند الله لمكتوب خاتم النبيين وأن آدم لمنجدل في طينته
وهذا كما قضى الله سبحانه نصره يوم بدر ومن أسباب ذلك استعانته بربه ودعاؤه وابتهاله بالنصر، وكذلك ما يقضيه من انزال الغيث قد يجعله بسبب ابتهال عباده ودعائهم وتضرعهم اليه، وكذلك ما يقضيه من مغفرة ورحمة وهداية ونقصر قد يسبب له أدعية يحصل بها ممن ينال ذلك أو من غيره، فلا يمتنع أن يكون المسيح سال ربه بعد صعوده أن يرسل أخاه محمدا إلى العالم، ويكون ذلك من أسباب الرسالة المضافة إلى دعوة أبيه إبراهيم، لكن إبراهيم سأل ربه أن يرسله في الدنيا فلذلك ذكره الله سبحانه، وأما المسيح فإنما سأله بعد رفعه وصعوده إلى السماء
وتأمل قول المسيح " إني لست أدعكم أيتاما لأني سآتيكم عن قريب " كيف هو مطابق لقول أخيه محمد بن عبد الله صلوات الله وسلامه عليهما
ينزل فيكم ابن مريم حكما عدلا، وإماما مقسطا، فيقتل الخنزير، ويكسر الصليب، ويضع الجزية
وأوصى أمته بأن " يقرئه السلام منه من لقيه منهم " وفي حديث آخر
كيف تهلك أمة أنا في أولها وعيسى في آخرها 

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