Saturday 7 October 2023

The Salaf did not used to sing Anasheed and call them as “religious” – Shaykh al Albaani



The Salaf did not used to sing Anasheed and call them as “religious” – Shaykh al Albaani

Scholar: Imâm Muhammad Nâsir-ud-Dîn al-Albânî

Source: As’ilah wa Fatâwâ al-Imârât (2)


Translation & video: (site is down)

Shaykh al-Albânî: There are no doubts that poetry exists in Islâm. The messenger (sallâ Allâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

“There is poetry that most certainly is wisdom.”

However, that one sings the poetry and calls it as “Anâshîd” and “Religious Anâshîd”, then it is something our righteous Salaf (predecessors) did not know of at all. This, in fact, has a connection to the principle we mentioned earlier and which is a summary of that which the scholars always speak of in similar contexts, namely:

All good lies in following the earlier ones and all evil lies in that which the later ones have innovated

The Salaf did not used to sing Anâshîd and call them as “religious”.


As a side note, the Shaykh (al-Albânî) deemed singing to be allowed on some occasions, when he said:

“In these Hadiths and narrations exists an apparent evidence for it being allowed to sing without music on some occasions such as when one is thinking about death, longs for the family or home country, relaxes a little, gets away from the difficulties of the trip and the like.” (Tahrim-ul-Alat, p. 129,

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