Wednesday 15 September 2021




Suwayd b. Ghafalah rahimahullaah said: 

'Umar b. al-Khattaab (d. 23H) - radiallaahu 'anhu - said to me: 

"Perhaps you will live long after me, so obey the ruler even if he is an Abyssinian slave. And even if he oppresses you, be patient; and if he beats you, remain patient and if he calls you to a matter that is detrimental to your religion then say: I hear and obey (you), take my blood but not my religion. And do not split away from the Jamaa'ah (the united body of the Muslims)." 

Explanation by Imaam al-Aajurree rahimahullaah:

"So if a person says: 'What is your understanding concerning the statement of 'Umar (radiallaahu 'anhu) which he mentioned?' Then it is said to him (i.e. the questioner): "It is possible - and Allaah, the Most High, knows best - for us to say: 'Whoever is put in authority over you whether he is from the Arab or other than them, black or white, or a foreigner then you must obey him in that which there is no disobedience in it to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. Moreover, if he prevents you from your rights, he beats you unjustly (without due right), he violates your honour, and takes your wealth (by force), then that should not make you revolt against him by drawing your sword out to fight him. And do not go out revolting alongside a Khaarijee to fight him, and do not incite others to rebel against him but rather be patient with him.'

And it could also be understood that "if he calls you to a matter which is detrimental to your religion" to mean other than this viewpoint; and it could be taken to mean that he orders you with killing someone who is not deserving of being killed, or to cut a limb off someone who does not deserve that, or to beat someone who it is impermissible to beat, or to forcibly take someone's wealth who it is not right to take his wealth, or to wrong or oppress someone whom it is neither permissible for him nor for you to oppress. So if he says to you: 'If you do not do that which I order you with then I will certainly kill you or severely beat you.' Then say: Take my blood but not my religion.' That is due to the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ): "There is no obedience to the creation in disobedience to the Creator." And his (ﷺ) statement: "Obedience is only in that which is good."

[Explanation taken from ash-Sharee'ah of al-Aajurree (no.71), checking by Dr ad-Damyajee, Dar al-Watan print].

Reference for narration: Reported by Ibn Abee Shaybah in al-Musannaf (12/544), as-Sunnah of al-Khallaal (1/111), ash-Sharee'ah (no.48) [and it is] Saheeh.

Translation by Aboo Abdillaah Bilaal Hussain al-Kashmiree.

[This text has been translated to Spanish language, click here to have access to it]

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