
Eating the
food of one whose wealth is haraam
Some Muslims here in Britain accumulate their wealth
from both halaal and haraam sources, because they are businessmen and some of
the things they sell are alcohol and pork. They vary in the extent to which they
do that. In some cases most of the person’s wealth comes from haraam sources and
in some cases only a little of his earning is haraam. Is it permissible for us
Muslims to mix with them and eat their food if they invite us? Is it permissible
for us to accept their donations from this wealth for the mosque?.
You have to advise them and warn them of the evil
consequences of dealing in haraam things and earning money from haraam sources.
You should cooperate with your brothers in reminding them and warning them of
the punishment of Allaah and how severely He deals with those who disobey Him.
You should tell them that the pleasures of this world are insignificant, and
that the Hereafter is better and more lasting. If they respond, then praise be
to Allaah, and they will become thereby your brothers in Islam. Then you should
advise them to restore the rights of those whom they have wronged, if they know
who they are, and to follow up bad deeds with good, so that Allaah may accept
their repentance and turn their bad deeds into good. In that case it will be
permissible for you to mix with them as brothers and to eat their food, and to
accept their donations for building and furnishing the mosque, etc, because by
repenting and restoring people’s rights it is possible that they may be forgiven
for what they did in the past, because Allaah says concerning those who deal in
riba [usury] (interpretation of the meaning):
“So whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord and
stops consuming Ribaa, shall not be punished for the past”
[al-Baqarah 2:275]
If they refuse to heed the advice and reminders, and
they persist in their haraam actions, then you have to forsake them for the sake
of Allaah, and not accept their invitations or accept their donations, as a
rebuke to them, and in the hope that they will give up their evil ways.
And Allaah is the Source of strength.
Al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah
wa’l-Ifta’, 16/181.
الأكل مِنْ طعام مَنْ ماله
بعض المسلمين عندنا في بريطانيا جمعوا
أموالهم من الحلال والحرام ، وذلك أنهم تجار ومما يتجرون فيه الخمور ولحوم الخنازير
، وهم على درجات متفاوتة في ذلك ، فمنهم من أكثر ماله من الحرام ، ومنهم من كسبه من
الحرام قليل ، فهل يجوز لنا نحن المسلمين مخالطتهم وأكل طعامهم إذا دعونا ، وهل يحل
لنا قبول تبرعاتهم من هذا المال لصالح المسجد ؟.
أولاً :
عليك أن تنصح لهم وتحذرهم سوء عاقبة الاتجار
في المحرمات ، وكسب المال من الحرام ، وتتعاون مع إخوانك من أهل الخير على تذكريهم
وإنذارهم بأس الله وشديد عقابه من عصاه وحاربه بارتكاب المنكرات ، وتعريفهم أن متاع
الدنيا قليل ، وأن الآخرة خير وأبقى ، فإن استجابوا فالحمد لله ، وهم بذلك إخوان
لكم في الله ثم انصحوهم برد المظالم إلى أهلها إن عرفوهم ، وأن يُتبعوا السيئة
الحسنة ؛ عسى الله أن يتوب عليهم ، ويبدل سيئاتهم حسنات وحينئذٍ يجوز لكم مخالطتهم
مخالطة الإخوة ، والأكل من طعامهم ، وقبول تبرعاتهم في وجوه البر ، من بناء مساجد
وفراشها ونحو ذلك ؛ لأنهم بالتوبة ورد المظالم إلى أهلها حسب الإمكان يغفر لهم ما
قد سلف ؛ لقول الله عز وجل في المرابين : { فمن جاءه موعظةٌ من ربه فانتهى فله ما
سلف وأمره إلى الله } .
ثانياً :
إن أبوا بعد النصيحة والتذكير والإصرار على
ما هم فيه من المحرمات فإنه يجب أن تهجروهم في الله ، وألا تستجيبوا لدعوتهم ، وألا
تقبلوا تبرعاتهم ؛ زجراً لهم وإنكاراً لمطالبهم ، ورجاء أن يرتدعوا ويرجعوا عما هم
عليه من المنكرات .
وبالله التوفيق .
اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء
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