Friday, 25 September 2020

Advising And Mistakes

 Advising And Mistakes

The senior scholar Rabee Bin Hadi Al-Madkhali [حفظه الله] said:

‏«وإذا أخطأ أخوك فانصحه باللين وقدم له الحجة والبرهان ينفعه الله بذلك أما أن تجلس وتتربص أن يخطئ فلان وتقوم تشنع هنا وهناك أن فلاناً فعل كذا وكذا، فهذه طرق الشياطين وليست طرق أهل الحق.»

❝If your brother makes a mistake, advise him with gentleness and present him proofs and evidences through which Allaah will benefit him.

As for sitting waiting in ambush for someone to make a mistake and to rouse up hatred here and there that so-and-so did such-and-such. These are the ways of the Shayateen not the way of the people of the truth.❞

[Bahjatul Qaaree, (Page: 107) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya].