Saturday, 11 April 2015



“They say: ‘The woman is a person, so why are all these restraints and controls placed upon her – why do you not give her her freedom?’ In reply it can be asked, is there freedom in allowing her to step outside of the Islamically legislated standards of behavior? This is in fact slavery; it is not freedom. Freedom is her remaining in compliance with her virtue and femininity, and that she performs those duties which she is best suited for. This is freedom. 

As for when she is forced into the maze of general employment, and into men’s jobs, and she is naturally a vulnerable woman – then this is from the causes of her destruction, and from that which damages the very pillars of the society.”

“The Honorable Place of the Woman in Islam” by Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan, hafidhahullaah

Taken from “My Home, My Path”, Page 45

Monday, 6 April 2015

Dissecting animals for study in Islam

Dissecting animals for study in Islam

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen  رحمه الله

We are studying in one of the universities in the faculty of science, biology division. During our studies we need to dissect some animals, such as frogs, rats and the like, for the purposes of learning and studying. What is the ruling on these dissections? 

He replied:  If there is a need for it, there is nothing wrong with dissection, but he should do something for this animal so that it will not feel any pain at the time of dissection, and he must note that in the case of those animals that are naajis (impure) after death, he has to purify himself of them. 

Fataawa al-Haram al-Makki (1166)

   الشيخ ابن عثيمين

نحن ندرس في إحدى الجامعات بكلية العلوم قسم الأحياء ، وفي أثناء دراستنا نحتاج إلى تشريح بعض الحيوانات ، مثل الضفادع والفئران وغيرها ، لغرض التعليم والدراسة ، فما حكم هذا التشريح ؟

فأجاب :

" التشريح إذا دعت الضرورة إليه فلا بأس به ، ولكن يجب أن يعمل لهذه الحيوانات ما يجعلها لا تحسّ بالألم وقت التشريح ، وكذلك يجب أن يلاحظ أنّ الحيوانات التي تكون نجسةً بعد الموت فإنّه يجب التطهر منها " انتهى .

والله أعلم .

  فتاوى الحرم المكي  1166

Saturday, 4 April 2015

The Ruling on Praying While Wearing Socks that Have a Foul Smell?

Shaikh Abdul-Aziz ala Shaikh  حفظه الله

Question: The questioner says: what is the ruling on praying with socks which emit a foul smell?

Answer: “By Allah, if there is a foul smell, then what is more deserving is to remove them. This is because the congregants will be harmed by this harmful smell, even you will be harmed. If there is a foul smell, then removing them is better and you should wash your hands. As for wearing them and there is a foul smell [emitting from them], then it will harm some of his neighbors who are in the row”.

السؤال : يقول السائل ماحكم صلاة بالجوارب التي تصدر رائحة كريهة ؟

< فضيلة الشيخ عبد العزيز آل الشيخ حفظه الله >

الجواب : والله إذا كان فيها خلعها أولى ، لأن إذاء المصلين بهذه الروائح ضرر حتى تتضرر أنت... ، فإذا كانت الجوارب روائح كريهة إخلعها أفضل وإغسل يديك أما أن تلبسها وفيها رائحة كريهة فقد يتأدى بها بعض المجاورين بالصف

الفتوى من محاضرة أثر العلم الشرعي في مقاومة الانحراف الفكري


Shaykh ibn al-Uthaymeen رحمه الله

Question: Oh Owner of Virtue, many Parents go with their children to what is called Children’s amusement parks. In it are oppositions to the Shariah, such as some women displaying their bodies. The children are severely eager to go to these amusement parks. So what is the legislated ruling on going there?

Answer: “These amusement parks, as our questioner mentioned, have in them evils. So if a place has evils, then if a person is able to remove these evils it is obligatory upon him to attend to remove them. As for if he is unable, then it is haram upon him to attend. So now we say: take your children to the open land and that will suffice. As for taking them to the amusement park in which there is free-mixing and in it are foolish people who flirt with women. In it are [women wearing] clothing which are not permissible for women to wear. So it is not permissible for a him to go there, unless he is able to remove the evil”.

حكم الذهاب إلى الملاهي

. السؤال
يا صاحب الفضيلة! يكثر ذهاب أولياء الأمور بأطفالهم إلى ما يسمى بملاهي الأطفال، وفيه من المخالفات الشرعية من تبرج بعض النساء، والأطفال فيهم حرص شديد على الذهاب إلى هذه الملاهي، فما الحكم الشرعي في الذهاب إلى هناك؟

هذه الملاهي -كما ذكر أخونا السائل- فيها منكرات، وإذا كان المكان فيه منكرات فإن استطاع الإنسان أن يزيل هذه المنكرات وجب عليه الحضور لإزالتها، وإذا لم يستطع حرم عليه الحضور، وحينئذٍ نقول: اخرج بأولادك إلى البر وكفى، وأما أن يؤتى بهم إلى هذه الملاهي وفيها الاختلاط، وفيها السفهاء الذين يغازلون النساء، وفيها الثياب التي لا يحل للمرأة لبسها؛ فإنه لا يحل أن يأتي إليها إلا إذا كان قادراً على إزالة المنكر..

Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan حفظه الله said:

واحذر أيها الأب الغيور من الذهاب بأسرتك إلى الملاهي المختلطة، والشواطئ والمنتزهات التي تظهر فيها المنكرات

“Beware, Oh jealous father, from going with your family to free-mixing amusement parks and recreational beaches which have evils apparent in them… “.