Monday, 28 February 2011

3 benefits from Sufyaan Ath-Thauree (rahimahullaah)

3 benefits from Sufyaan 

Ath-Thauree (rahimahullaah)

1.) Khalf ibn Tameem reported that he heard Sufyaan say, "the vision of one's eyes is meant for this world, and the vision of one's heart is meant for the Hereafter. When a man looks with his eyes, he benefits naught. it is when he looks with his heart that he benefits.

2.)`Abdur Rahmaan ibn `Aabdullah al-Basree reported that a man said to Sufyaan, "Advise me." Sufyaan said, "Work for this world in proportion to the time you will stay in it (which does not amount to many years). And work for the Hereafter in proportion to the time you will stay in it (for eternity) -and peace (be upon you).

3.) Yousuf ibn Asbaat reported that he heard Sufyaan Ath-Thauree say, "The following three are from patience: Do not speak about a calamity that has befallen you; do not speak about your pain; and do not praise yourself."

SOURCE: The biography of Sufyaan Ath-Thauree - DARUSSALAM

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Whomsoever has three things has his Emaan completed

Whomsoever has three things has his Emaan completed

Muhammad Ibn Ka'ab said to Umar Ibn Abdil 'Azeez:

Three things that whomsoever has it his Imaan in Allah is complete:

  1. If he is pleased his pleasure is not in falsehood.
  2. If he is angry his anger does not divert him from the truth
  3. If he wishes to do something he does not take what is not his in order to do it.

From the book: Minhaaj Al Qaasideen pg. 169


Imaam Ibnul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah on Pointing above to Allaah

Imaam Ibnul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
 on Pointing above to Allaah

Shaykhul-Islaam was-Sunnah, Shamsudeen ibn Al-Qayyim said: They claim that it is not permissible to point above to Allaah ÓÈÍÇäå with one’s fingers, for this necessitates restricting (Allaah to a place). However, the Muslims have unanimously agreed that Allaah is the most high, for this is something clearly stated in the Qur’aan. However, they claim that His highness is that of authority and not that of physical being (dhaat). But For the Muslims Allaah possesses all aspects of highness – physical and authoritative, for it is a praiseworthy attribute. Thus, we affirm that Allaah has the highness of essence and the highness of authority.

Thus, their prohibition of pointing above to Allaah contradicts all the religions, for the majority of Muslims, and the (people of the) other religious paths, have unanimously agreed that when we make du’aa to Allaah we should do so by facing in the direction of above, and their unanimity regarding this is considered a hujjah (valid proof). None of them have ever said that it is permissible to point/face towards the ground, or any other direction except that of above. He states, “They fear their Lord above them.” (Sooratun--Nahl: 50), “To Him ascend (all) the goodly words.” (Soorah Faatir: 10), “The angels and the Ruh (Jibraeel) ascend to Him.” (Sooratul-Ma’arij: 4)

He, Ta'ala, stated that Fir’awn said, “O Hamaan! Build me a tower that I may attain the means of access, the means of access to the heavens, then reach ilaah (god) of Musa.” (Sooratul--Ghaafir: 36-37).

Hence, Fir’awn understood from Moosaa ('alayhi salaam) that there is an ilaah above the heavens, for Moosaa used to affirm this; so much so that he wanted to build a tower to see Him, and he accused Moosaa of being a liar concerning this. And the jahmiyyah do not admit that Allaah is above the heavens, thus they more incompetent in understanding than Fir’awn. (Ijtimaa’al-Juyushal-Islaamiyyah: 136-137)
