Sheikh Uthamin rejects poem of praise
teaching an important lesson
The following is a summary translation taken from
Question: All praises belong to Allah, peace and blessing are upon the Messenger of Allah.
As to what follows; Noble Sheikh I seek your approval for this poem I am going to read.
Oh my Nation verily this night will be followed by daybreak and its light will spread throughout the earth
And the good is anticipated and the victory is expected and the truth despite the efforts of evil is victorious.
And with the accompaniment of the Creator's blessing its journey is pure, it has not with it flaws nor cloudiness.
As long as there is in our midst the son of Salih the Sheikh of our awakening, with the likes of him the support and triumph is expected.
Sheikh Uthamin: I do not agree with this praise, because I do not want to attach the truth with individuals. Every person will come and go therefore if we attached the truth with individuals that would mean that if the person died the people may lose hope after him.
Therefore I say if it is possible now to change the last verse with the statement: As long as our minhaj (methodology) is the first methodology as practiced by the Salaf, with the likes of this the support and triumph is expected; then this will be good.
I advise you not to make the truth connected to the men.

If you make the truth connect to the people itýs possible that a person may be deceived by himself, and we seek refuge in Allah from this; and he may take a path that is not correct.
Therefore the person is not safe from making mistakes and Fitna, we ask Allah to make us and you firm.

And for this reason when a man praised another man in the presence of the Prophet, peace and blessings are upon him, he (The Prophet peace and blessings are upon him) said, "Woe to you, you have cut the neck of your companion."
And I thank the brother for what he recited from the grammatical verses and I ask Allah to make me as good as what the brother thinks of me or better, but I do not like to be praised.
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