Sunday 18 February 2024

The Believing Jinn Help The Believers Even Though The Believers May Not Realize It – Shaykh Ibn Baz

 The Believing Jinn Help The Believers Even Though The Believers May Not Realize It 

– Shaykh Ibn Baz

Shaykh Ibn Baaz:

The Muslims help their brothers among the jinn to obey Allaah and His Messenger just as they help their human brothers. Humans may help them in some matters without realizing it. They may help them to obey Allaah and His Messenger by teaching and reminding other humans, for the jinn may attend the lessons of humans in the mosques and elsewhere and benefit from them. Humans may also hear some things from the jinn which benefit them; they may wake them up to pray or draw their attention to things which may benefit them or harm them. All of this happens even though the jinn do not make themselves visible to humans. A jinn may make himself visible to some people when pointing them towards something good or something evil. This may happen, although it is rare. Usually they do not appear to humans, although their voices may be heard on some occasions when they wake a person for prayer or tell him of some things. In conclusion, the believing jinn help the believers even though the believers may not realize it, and they love everything good for them.

They may attend lessons, and they love to listen to the Quraan and knowledge, as stated above. The believers among the jinn attend the lessons of humans, at some times and in some lands, and they benefit from the lessons of humans. All of this happens and is well known. This has been clearly stated by many of the scholars whom the jinn contacted and asked about some issues; they told them that they had attended their lessons. All of this is well-known, and Allaah is the One Whose help we seek.

كتاب مجموع فتاوى ومقالات متنوعة لسماحة الشيخ العلامة عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز رحمه الله . م/9 ص/373

Fatwas of Ibn Baz > Content > Volume 9 >

Monday 5 February 2024

When faced with trials and tribulations, cling to the guidance of the Messenger of Allāh

 When faced with trials and tribulations, cling to the guidance of the Messenger of Allāh

الحمد لله رب العالمين، وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين،  أما بعد

Al-Imām adh-Dhahabi, [may Allāh have mercy on him], said:

“When faced with trials and tribulations, cling to the guidance of the Messenger of Allāh, صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ. Embrace silence, avoiding unnecessary involvement in matters unrelated to you or those causing you problems. Entrust difficulties to Allāh [Exalted be He] and His Messenger صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ, pausing to declare: ‘Allāh knows best.’”

Siyar A’lām an-Nubalā’a, 20/141 | Al-Imām adh-Dhahabi [may Allāh have mercy on him]

Translation: Authentic Quotes

Marriage is not lust and the woman is not just pleasure and enjoyment – By Shaikh Abdul Azeez Aala Shaikh


Marriage is not lust and the woman is not just pleasure and enjoyment – By Shaikh Abdul Azeez Aala Shaikh [may Allaah preserve him]

The noble Sheikh, the Mufti of the committee of major scholars in Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah Aali Shiekh declared that marriage is not just about lust and fulfilling the desires rather it is security and living together and stability.

And the noble Sheikh said: Some of the Muslims have an incorrect understanding about marriage, understanding it in a way other than its reality. Some of them have an understanding that marriage is simply about fulfilling their desires, so although they might implement the legislated marriage contract, their intention with this marriage is not stability nor commitment rather he marries and in himself he is planning to divorce her, meaning he knows in himself that he will marry her for a specific time period even if he does not mention this or disclose this.

So he marries her due to his desire for her not to have serenity and peace of mind with her, but he only counts her as just a simple pleasure; so he’s always on the verge of divorcing her and bringing in someone other than her. So he is a husband and at the same time he mixes this with the intention of divorce. And he does not want from the woman anything other than pleasure.

This is deception to the woman and dishonesty and misleading her; and if a man came to his daughter or his sister and he knew that he did not want her except for this purpose he would not allow him to marry her, but when it comes to other peoples daughters he does whatever he wants.

And all of this is from deception and dishonesty and fraud and betrayal. And for this reason Islam has prohibited temporary marriage; and this is to marry for an estimated number of days for an agreed upon specific duration. Therefore this was made impermissible due to the harms that it contains.

And the Sheikh said: So what the person does not like for his daughters then he should not like it for the daughters of the Muslims.

And the Sheikh said: And some of the people might travel to places in order to find marriage for a specific number of days or months and he thinks this is a marriage contract and all of this is trivial to him, so he falls into sin.

And there are some who marry a number of women before (the other women he divorced) finish their waiting period. So he will merge the marriage to more than ten women in one month without any concern for the Islamic legislated contract.

And the Mufti said: The Muslim must have good judgment and he should not let his goal be to fulfill his desire in a way that is not in accordance with the Islamic legislation. And he must adorn himself with the manners of Islam, and he must look at other peoples daughters just like he looks at his own daughters and his own sisters, and he should put people in the position that he likes to be in.

Therefore if the person believes it allowable to do evil to the daughters of others and to not comply with the Islamic standard and then he does not want this same evil for his daughters; then why this discrepancy? Where is the balance, where is the justice?

Unfortunately, there are some Muslims who make permissible that which Allah has made impermissible so in a matter of days they marry a number of women, all with the intention of divorce, seeking by this to gain some benefit (from the wife) in the summer or the winter or other than this, and Islam prohibits this. Therefore Islam wants for us to be well-balanced in our contracts and to put others in the position of our daughters and our sisters and to be truthful in our dealings.

And the Sheikh said: And some of them go and travel and get married against the normal system and then they fall into sin or serious situations and perhaps they might abandon their wives or leave them and not return to them after they have become pregnant or given birth to his child, so this exposes the Muslim descendants to danger. And some of them dont care about their wives or their children so major problems occur as a result of this treacherous marriage. 

( A summary translation by Abu Qayla Rasheed bin Estes Barbee taken from

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