Monday, 4 January 2016

Claim Benefits if not needed

Claim Benefits if not needed

Question: Is social security/assistance allowed for the one who does not have a need for it?

Answer: “That which we know is that the government, may Allah facilitate for them, gives social security/assistance to the poor who do not have anything and who meet the conditions for taking it. And it is not for him to lie. Verily the one who is from its people can take social assistance and meets the desired conditions. As for the one who lies and claims to be poor or she claims that she does not have a husband and she has a husband and what resembles that, then he should not take that. The conclusion is that it is not allowed to take social assistance except the one who meets the conditions which the government has placed. This is obligatory. It is obligatory to fear Allah and be cautious of taking what is not allowed for him. And in Allah aid is sought”.

هل يجوز الضمان الاجتماعي لمن ليس فيه حاجة له؟

الذي نعلم أن الحكومة وفقها الله جعلت الضمان الاجتماعي للفقير الذي ليس له شيء، والذي لا تتوفر فيه الشروط ليس له أخذه، وليس له أن يكذب، إنما يأخذ الضمان من كان من أهله، من توافرت فيه الشروط المطلوبة، أما الذي يكذب ويزعم أنه فقير، أو تزعم أنها ليست بذات زوج وهي ذات زوج وما أشبه ذلك فليس له أخذ ذلك، الحاصل أنه لا يجوز أخذ الضمان إلا للذي توافرت فيه الشروط الذي وضعتها الدولة، هذا هو الواجب عليه، الواجب أن يتقي الله المؤمن وأن يحذر أخذ شيءٍ لا يحل له والله المستعان.

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