Thursday, 19 October 2023

Supplication is like a Sword (Weapon)


Supplication is like a Sword (Weapon)

Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said:

The supplications and at-Ta'awwadhaat (seeking refuge with Allaah) are like a weapon. And (the strength of) the weapon is (as strong) as the hand that wields it and (its strength is) not just (dependent) upon its sharpness. So whenever the sword is a perfect weapon free from having any defects, and the hand that wields it is strong, and there is no impediment/obstacle present, then with it one will wreak havoc and great destruction upon an enemy. 

However, if one of these three qualities (of the weapon) is lacking and deficient, then the effectiveness (of the weapon) will also be lacking. 

So if the supplication itself is corrupt, or the one making the Du'aa does not bring together his heart and tongue whilst supplicating, or there is something which prevents it from being answered, then the (intended) result (for making the Du'aa) will not be achieved.

Reference: ad-Daa’ wad-Dawaa’, p. 21

📝Translated by Aboo ‘Abdillaah Bilaal Hussain al-Kashmiree

الدّعاءُ عبادةٌ عظيمةٌ ميسورةٌ، تكون سرّاً وعلانيةً، ليلاً ونهاراً، برّاً و جوّاً وبحراً، صحّةً ومرضاً، سفراً و حضراً، فإيّاك أنْ تستهين به أو تهوّن من شأنه؛ هو سلاحُ المؤمن، فكم من بلاءٍ دُفع، وكم من محنة رُفعت، وخير استُجلب بسببه؛ فأظهروا الفاقة والحاجة إليه سبحانه، وادعوه خوفاً وطمعاً

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