بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه ومن اهتدى بهديه إلى يوم الدين أما بعد
Gems upon Gems from 'In Defense of Salafi Manhaj' Conference, via notes taken (not verbatim)
Shaikh Falah ibn Isma'eel (hafidhahullaah) said:
Why is the Manhaj of the salaf in need of defense? Do you hear of a seminar in which the deviants say, 'In defense of the Khawaarij Manhaj' or 'In defense of the Mu'tazila Manhaj' or 'In defense of the Ash'aree Manhaj' or 'In defense of the Murji' Manhaj' or 'In defense of the Rafidah Manhaj' or 'In defense of the Soofi Manhaj'?
So why is the Salafi Manhaj in need of defense? The people of the haqq (truth) are always in need of defending the truth.
Allaah said (what means): Truly, Allaah defends those who believe... (Al-Hajj, ayah 38) This is my ijtihaad, my ruling. I gave you the proof from Qur`an. The truth is always in need of defense. Because the enemies are a majority, the people following the truth are a minority. The people following falsehood are many, and the enemies of truth are greater in number.
Look at the story of Moosa ('alaihi sallam) with Fir'aun, and Ibraheem ('alaihi sallam) with Nimrood, and Nooh ('alaihi sallam), and Loot ('alaihi sallam).
The Ummah of Muhammad is divided into two.
The Ummah of Da'wah -----> All of mankind and Jinn, including many, many sects of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Budhists, etc...
The Ummah of Ijaba -----> (Those who responded), the 73 sects - 72 of which will be in hellfire and one is saved
The one from all these in need of defense is The Saved Sect.
Why do people wage war against Salafiyah?
The Prophet lived in Makkah for 40 years before Prophethood, and they called him 'Al-Ameen.' And for the 23 years as a Prophet, during which time he (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) announced the truth and invited to Islam, then he was accused of being a magician, a liar, insane, possessed...etc.
The truth is in need of being defended. Why?
The salafee group is one. The deviant groups are 72.
The Salafee group ------> has 72 arrows, one to target every deviant group. [Meaning the Salafees - those following the Prophet and defending the religion from distortions, corruptions, bid'ah - refute all falsehood, not sparing anyone.]
The 72 Deviant Groups -------> have 1 arrow each, and each one targeted against the Salafees. The Salafees are attacked by all 72 deviant sects. [Meaning each of the 72 deviants sects fight the truth and the people of the truth, the true followers of the Prophet.]
The Salafees refute the Soofees, the Shee'a, the Khawaarij, the Qaadiriyah, the Murji'a. But all the arrows of the 72 groups are pointed at the Salafees. You don't find Soofees refuting the Shee'ah, (or vice versa). For example, Khomeini made a du'aa to Allaah to have mercy on (the wicked deviant) Ibn 'Arabee.
[Repeating the words of one of his shaikhs, Shaikh Falah said]: Glad tidings when deviants attack you.
The Salaf would be delighted if they were rebuked by innovators, because this is a sign that he was upon the truth. If you were an innovator, they would not attack you. ...
All 72 sects wage war against the Salafees. All of them say, "I am a Muslim." Actually, more than 72 sects wage war against the Salafees (if you include the kufaar). The kufaar (disbelievers) wage war against the Salafees, calling us 'Terrorists,' 'Takfeeris,' 'Wahhabis,' 'Madkhalees.'
Imagine the Salafees in a stadium, and everyone else outside. Salafiyah is in need of defense.
Defense is obligatory and must be upon knowledge. If you don't have 'ilm, you will harm.
So why do the disbelievers gather with the 72 deviant sects and not the Salafees? The answer is obvious. They (the disbelievers) believe that society can only function upon democracy, the rule of the majority. The Salafees are one, and the 72 deviant sects are more, so they (kufaar) support the 72.
The Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: There will never cease to be a group from my Ummah manifest (victorious), not harmed by those who forsake them nor those who oppose them until the order of Allaah comes and they are upon that. (Bukharee, Muslim)
Someone asked the shaikh about the doubt 'Salafiyah is not a card that's gonna get you into Jannah':
The shaikh answered: Al-Hamdulillaah. This expression is 100% wrong. Rather, we say, no one enters Jannah except with it. This is rejected, and he (the one who made this statement) is invited to sit here (and learn). The Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: This Ummah will divide into 73 sects, all of them in the hellfire except one. He was asked, "Which one is that, o Messenger of Allaah?" He (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: That which I and my companions are upon.
Then the addendum to the question was mentioned to the shaikh, a new twist to the doubt, "you should see what he meant."
The shaikh answered: We say: No! The statement is wrong! With regards to his statement, it is upon us to differentiate between two: the statement and the person who made the statement.
And he gave examples: the first example of Al-Ma`moon who said 'The Qur`an is created,' yet the scholars said this statement is kufr, but [they didn't make takfeer of the individual].
Imam ash-Shafi'ee (rahimahullaah) debated Hafs al-Fard (whom the scholars called al-kird (monkey)) between 'Asr and Maghrib and - only after establishing the proof upon him - did Imam ash-Shafi'ee say to him: Ya Hafs, La qad kafart billaahil Adheem. (O hafs, you have disbelieved in Allaah, The Almighty).
Some matters must be known and established before declaring someone a kaafir for a statement of kufr:
1- is he ignorant?
2- is he forced?
3- does he have misunderstanding a misunderstanding?
[4- is he insane?]
This individual who made this statement should fear Allaah, because this statement is 100% wrong. All these 72 deviant sects attack Salafees, and you join them? If you don't want to defend [the religion], then fear Allaah and be silent.
Niyya is one thing, the action is another.
Abu Khadeejah 'Abdul-Waahid (hafidhahullaah) said:
Ibn Battah stated:
Any man who (met) the Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) even for an hour from the hours of a day, and followed the Prophet (and died as a believer) is better than anyone, even if he (the latter) did all the good deeds in creation.
...The Sahaabah never differed in 'aqeedah; they differed in other matters, but not in 'aqeedah. Ibn Taymeeyah (rahimahullaah) in Minhaj Sunnah, which is a refutation of the Shee'a, Vol. 6, said: The Sahabaa never differed in any of the fundamentals of the religion, Attributes, Qadr, rulings of takfeer etc (the sahaabah had principles), etc...
- Why do deviants say that the Sahaaba differ in 'aqeedah? So they can justify their hizbiyyah and their differing. They work night and day to try to find differing of the sahaaba, so they can justify their opposition to the Sunnah - i.e. sahaabah differed so we can differ. -
What the deviants try to use as "proof" that the sahaaba "differed" in 'aqeedah is their statement the sahaaba differed regarding seeing Allaah.
The sahaaba did not differ regarding seeing Allaah on yawm al-Qiyamah. Did the Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) see Allaah in his lifetime, and will the believers see Allaah on yawm al-Qiyamah? These are two different subjects. Yes the believers will see Allaah in the Hereafter - regarding this there is ijmaa' and no differing whatsoever amongst ahlus-sunnah. So the Ru'yah is agreed upon, that Allaah will be seen.
Allaah said: Some faces that Day shall be Naadirah (shining and radiant). Looking at their Lord (Allaah). (Al-Qiyamah, ayat 22-23)
'Aa`ishah (radiallaahu 'anha) said: the Prophet did not see his Lord (meaning: with his eyes).
Ibn 'Abbaas (radiallaahu 'anhumma) said: the Prophet saw his Lord (meaning: with his heart).
This is not a difference in 'aqeedah, because the Salaf were united upon the ru'yah on the Day of Resurrection.
So this seeing of the Prophet of his Lord is a branch of 'aqeedah. [And even then, the statement of 'Aa`ishah and Ibn 'Abbaas do not contradict each other when gathered together]
Here is another example. The hadeeth wherein Allaah created the Pen and commanded it to write the decree when He wrote the decrees of all creation 50,000 years before He created the heavens and the earth - and His 'Arsh was above the water.
The only differing is which one came first. This is not a point of 'Aqeedah.
There is ikhtilaaf regarding what Allaah created first: was it the 'Arsh, or the Pen, or the water (and in another hadeeth, of Ibn Dawood: the smoke), but there is no ikhtilaaf regarding belief in the 'Arsh, belief in the Pen, belief in the water, belief in the smoke. All of these are believed in by Ahlus-Sunnah and not denied.
[Shaikh Falaah ibn Isma'eel (hafidhahullaah) benefited us with the following tremendous statements that support the above. He said:
" No doubt Salafiyyah is one and cannot be split into sects. The Sahaaba all had one Deen and one 'Aqeedah. They never differed in 'aqeedah.
Allaah said (what means): And the first to embrace Islam of the Muhaajiroon and the Ansaar and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allaah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success. (At-Tawbah, ayah 100)
How can Allaah be pleased with them, while they are split and differing, whereas Allaah and His Messenger (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) hate division?
Also, how can we follow them if they themselves are upon difference in aqeedah? This is the greatest proof that we (Salafees) are upon one Deen and one 'aqeedah. "
Abu Khadeejah relayed the hadeeth of the people of Jannah seeing Allaah's face:
On the authority of Suhaib (radiallaahu 'anhu): the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, Allaah will say, 'Would you like something I can increase you with?' They will reply, 'Have you not whitened our faces? Have you not admitted us into Paradise and saved us from the Fire?' The Prophet then said: Then the veil will be lifted, and they will not have been given anything more beloved to them than seeing their Lord. (Muslim)
and then Abu Khadeejah relayed this gem of a gem from Imam as-Sa'dee (rahimahumullaah):
" The Hijaab (i.e. not seeing the face of Allaah) is a greater punishment than the punishment of the hellfire! "
Shaikh al-Fawzaan stated: The position of the Muslims regarding the sahaabah is respecting them, holding fast to their guidance, following them. And to love them is from loving the Messenger (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). And whosoever hates the sahaaba, hates the Messenger (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). So the sahaaba are ascribed with honour, nobility (radiallaahu 'anhum). They were sincere and they intended good. Their goals were noble. And no one from them is to be accused. And none of the sahaaba had deceit and trickery.
'Abdullah ibn Saba' was a Jew who pretended to enter Islam, and began cursing 'Uthman (radiallaahu 'anhu). Saba', a munaafiq (hypocrite), gathered around him rif-raf (those who love evil). They killed 'Uthman and fitnah broke out among the Muslims: should they or should they not seek vengance for the killing of 'Uthman. Then The Battle of the Camel took place.
Some people today do the same thing, pretend to be Salafi and cause fitnah in the name of Salafiyah. They love disunity and chaos.
سُبْحَانَ رَبِّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ رَبِّ الْعَرْشِ عَمَّا يَصِفُون