Sunday 6 June 2010

What is the ruling Regarding Using the Name "Israel" for the Jewish State? By Shaykh Rabee Bin Haadee al-Madkhalee


What is the ruling Regarding Using the Name "Israel" for the Jewish State? By Shaykh Rabee Bin Haadee al-Madkhalee

Taken from

Shaykh Rabee Stated:

"There is a strange phenomenon which is widespread and well known amongst the Muslims and it is using the name 'Israel' for the Jewish state which has incurred the wrath of Allaah. And I have not seen anyone REFUTING this DANGEROUS phenomenon that violates the honour of the noble messenger, from the chiefs of the messengers, Ya'qoob (alaihis salaam) who was praised by Allah in His Mighty Book..."

"...That which is correct is that it is NOT permissible. The Jews have plotted a great conspiracy whereby they made it their legislated right to establish their state in the heart of the lands of the Muslims, in the name of Ibraaheem and Israel.

And they plotted a great conspiracy in naming their Zionistic state: "The state of Israel." This deception has extended to the Muslims and I do not say the general masses alone, rather to most of the educated ones. They use the name 'Israeli' state and even 'Israel' in their reports, papers, magazines and their speech, whether it is in context of merely reporting news or in the context of defaming and dispraising, and even cursing.

All of that occurs amongst the Muslims and unfortunately we do not hear any rejection of this speech..."

The full Article in English

Article ID: CAF030001

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