Sunday, 24 July 2016

Make Du’aa for Every Single Need

Make Du’aa for Every Single Need

Shaikh ’Uthaimeen, may Allaah have mercy on him, said, “You must, Yaa akhi, supplicate to Allaah for all of your general and specific concerns, both the difficult and easy ones, and if the only thing to be gained from making du’aa was the fact that it was considered worship of Allaah, it would befit a person to covet it.”

Fatawa Arkaan al-Islaam, p. 45.

[To read this article in spanish language click here]


Saturday, 23 July 2016

The Ruling of Combining the Walīmah for Marriage with the Walīmah of the Aqīqah

The Ruling of Combining the Walīmah for Marriage with the Walīmah of the Aqīqah*

Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azīz Ibn Bāz

*Question:* Some of the people do the Walīmah for marriage along with the Walīmah for the Aqīqah. Is this action correct or should each be done separately?

*Answer:* There is no harm in that. If one combines the two Walīmahs then there is no harm. 

Translated by Raha Batts

The person who treats others kindly

The person who treats others kindly

The person who treats others kindly and thinks well of them, will find that his intention will remain true, he will feel at ease, his heart will be sound and Allah will protect him from evil and calamity.

—  Imam ibn al Qayyim (rahimahullah) ~ Madarij al-Salikeen 2/511

Friday, 22 July 2016

Abu Hanifah And Al-Irjaa: Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee

Abu Hanifah And Al-Irjaa: 

Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Is it correct that which is attributed to Abu Hanifah that he was Murji’ee?
This article has been taken from maktabasalafiya. blogspot. com/2016/07/abu-hanifah-and-al-irjaa-shaykh-rabee.html
A: This is correct and no one denies this. Abu Hanifah fell into irjaa and no one denies it, neither Hanifi nor Sunni, no one denies this. Ahlus Sunnah sternly censured him due to this and for other reasons. Therefore it is not allowed for a Hanifi or anyone else to follow the mistakes any individual no matter who it may be. Not Abu Hanifah, not Malik, and not Shaafi’ee, however I do not know of errors in creed with theses individuals except Abu Hanifah, as he fell into saying the statement, “the Quran is created” but eventually repented from that as is firmly established (and or affirmed) by the scholars. However his (mistake with regards to) irjaa, him repenting from such was never affirmed, nor has anyone claimed such. No one from the Hanifis or other than them to the best of my knowledge.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ ربيع بن هادي المدخلي

[To read this article in spanish language click here]

سؤال: هل صحيح ما ينسب إلى أبي حنيفة أنّه مرجئ [ومنه : قوله أن الإيمان لا يزيد ولا ينقص] ؟ 
الجواب: هذا صحيح لا ينكره أحد ؛ أبو حنيفة رحمه الله وقع في الإرجاء ولا ينكره لا الأحناف ولا أهل سنة , لا أحد ينكر هذا، وأخذ عليه أهل السنة أخذا شديدا ؛ أخذوا عليه الإرجاء وغيره - غفر الله له - يعني لا يجوز لحنفي أو لغيره أن يتبع أحداً في خطئه كائناً من كان؛ لا أبو حنيفة ولا مالك ولا الشافعي لكن هؤلاء [مالك والشافعي] ما عرفنا عليهم أخطاء في العقيدة , أمّا أبو حنيفة وقع في القول بخلق القرآن ورجع عنه كما أثبت ذلك علماء , لكن القول بالإرجاء ما ثبت أبداً أنّه رجع عنه ولا أحد يدّعيه له لا من الأحناف ولا من غيرهم في حسب علمي . 

من فتاوى الشيخ ربيع بن هادي

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Love: a great disease

(Love can) become too difficult for the doctors to treat and it causes a great deal of trouble for the sick person. 

Ibn al-Qayyim, Zaad al-Ma’aad 4/365

Description of Sh. al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah:

Description of Sh. al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah:

His skin was white.
His hair and beard were dark and black.
He had a light mustache.
His hair extended down to the bottom of his ears.
His eyes looked like two talking tongues.
He was of medium height.
He had wide shoulders.
He had a strong voice.
An eloquent tongue.
He would read first in a quick and harsh manner, and end with a soft and elegant tone.

Source: Siyar a’lam an-Nubala (v. 17, p. 504)

Uthaimeen On Worry and Regret

 Uthaimeen On Worry and Regret

Shaikh Uthaimeen, may Allaah have mercy on him, said, “A person shouldn’t open himself up to worry and regret, because that will upset him and spoil his life and maybe even his religion, that is why the Prophetsaid about a person who has had something he dislikes happen to him even after carrying out all available means, ‘Don’t say, ‘If …,’ for (saying), ‘If …,’ opens (the door) to the deeds of Satan.’”

Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam, vol. 11, p. 69.

Taken from:

Monday, 18 July 2016

Shaking hands after the prayers

Shaking hands after the prayers

Imam al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) stated:

Shaking hands after the prayers is an innovation about which there is no doubt, unless it is between two people who had not met up prior to that (i.e. the prayer), in such a case it is a Sunnah.

[ Silsilah al-Sahihah (1/553) through Qamus al-Bida' (p. 410).]

(this article has been translated to spanish language, click here)

Friday, 15 July 2016

The Categories of Women who Approach their Husbands for Intimacy

The Categories of Women who Approach their Husbands for Intimacy

Shaykh Jamāl Al-Hārithī حفظه الله

Women, in most cases--if not all, except a few--approach their husbands as it relates to the affair of the bed (intimacy) and the reason, in my view, places them in one of three categories:

1. The First Group: She approaches her husband in the bed out of obedience to Allāh as an act of worship; seeking a reward from Him, Majestic be He, for pleasing her husband by fulfillment of his sexual desire, (helping him to) lower his gaze, and hoping for a righteous child.

2. The Second Category: She approaches her husband in the bed hoping for pleasure, and nothing else.

3. The Third Category: She approaches her husband in bed in order to prevent him from looking at other women purely out of jealousy.

No doubt the first has brought together (the benefit) and comprehended the affair.

h ومعترفين؛ بأن النساء غالباً والأغلب، إن لم أقل كلُهنّ ـ إلا الشاذة منهنّ ـ؛ يتقربن إلى أزواجهن في مسألة الفراش، وهنّ في سبب ذلك التقرب على ثلاثة طوائف في نظري ورأيي:

الطائفة الأولى:

تتقرب لزوجها في الفراش؛ طاعةً لله تعالى ـ تعبداً ـ، محتسبة الأجر منه جل جلاله، بإرضاء زوجها بقضاء وطره، وغض بصره، ورجاء ولدٍ صالح.

الطائفة الثانية:

تتقرب لزوجها في الفراش؛ رغبة في الاستمتاع لا غير.

الطائفة الثالثة:

تتقرب لزوجها في الفراش؛ كي تحجبه من أن ينظر إلى غيرها، غَيْرَةً منها عليه فقط.

ولاشك أن الأُولى جمعت فأوعت.

Translated by Raha Batts

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

The Categories of Men in Fulfilment of the Rights of the Wife

The Categories of Men in Fulfilment of the Rights of the Wife

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Sālih Al-'Uthaymīn رحمه الله

From the people there is he who restricts his wife and does not fulfill her rights. He does not spend upon her. If he does give her he shorts her. At times he gives her in a state of disgruntlement. If she says: 'Give me 10 Riyāl so that I may purchase something I am in need of,' he says: 'Insha-Allāh, at 'Asr,' then when 'Asr comes he says: 'Tomorrow.' Like this he continues to put her off. This is not permissible and is Harām for him. If the wife is in this state, then if she is able she may take from his wealth without his knowledge (just to fulfill her need). If she is not able then she may accept Zakat in order to stave off her need.

From the people there is he who does that which is obligatory and does not fall short in his obligations, however, he does not increase upon that. 

From the people there is he who does that which is obligatory and he increases upon that (does additional things which are not obligatory upon him), and he is the best of the categories (of husbands).

These husbands which we have mentioned, from them there is he who is oppressive to his own soul, he who follows the middle course, and he who is foremost in doing good; by the permission of Allāh. 

Taken from At-Ta'līq 'Alāl-Muntaqā Min Akhbār Al-Mustafā 4/638

Translated by Raha Batts
Source: telegram

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Husband and talaq

Ibn Bāz [رحمه الله] said:

❝It is ordained for the husband to fear Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) and not hasten to pronounce divorce. Rather, he should be patient and should solve problems using wisdom, kind words, and good manner and not be oppressive.❞

 [Fatwas Of Ibn Bāz, (30/331, Part No. 30) | Al-Ifta]

Monday, 4 July 2016

The salah of the hypocrites

The salah of the hypocrites 

“The salah of the hypocrites is the salah of the body (i.e. physical movements only), not the salah of the heart. O Allah do not make us from them.” Aameen!!!

صلاة المنافقين صلاة أبدان لا صلاة قلوب اللهم لا تجعلنا منهم

-Imām Ibn Al-Qayyim (Raḥimahullāh)

 [Madarij al-Salikeen, 1/354]