Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Firdaws Is The Highest Place in Paradise and the Throne of ar-Rahmaan is Above It
From Abu Hurairah (radiyallaahu anhu) from the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), who said: “Whoever believes in Allah and His Messenger, establishes the prayer and fasts the month of Ramadan will rightfully be granted Paradise by Allah, no matter whether he fights in Allah’s cause or remains in the land where he is born.” The people said, “O Allah’s Messenger! Shall we inform the people with this good news?” He said, “Paradise has one-hundred levels which Allah has reserved for the Mujaahideen who fight in His cause, and the distance between each of two levels is like the distance between the Heaven and the Earth. So, when you ask Allah (for something), ask for Al-Firdaws which is the middle-most and highest part of Paradise. Above it is the Throne of ar-Rahmaan, and from it originate the rivers of Paradise.
Al-Bukhaaree said towards the end of his Saheeh:
Chapter: His, the Mighty and Majestic’s saying, “And His Throne was over the water“, and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.
Then he said:
And Mujaahid said, “Istiwaa, meaning ‘alaa, rose over the Throne.
Transcribed from: “Mukhtasar al-Uluww” - adh-Dhahabee (p. 101)
Monday, 29 November 2010
يجب ترك البدع : It is obligated to abandon Bid'ah
يجب ترك البدع : It is obligated to abandon Bid'ah
Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) said:
وكل بدعة وكل ضلالة وكل منهج يخالف شرع الله يجب تركه ويجب أن يسيرالناس جميعا ً على المنهج الذي سار عليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في حياته ، ثم سار عليه صحابته والخلفاء الراشدون من بعده ثم تابعهم الأئمة المهتدون والسلف الصالحون، تابعوهم على المنهج القويم، والصراط المستقيم.
هذا هو المنهج الذي يجب الأخذ به والتمسك به، والسير عليه . والدعوة إليهوكل ما يخالف ذلك مما أحدثه الناس يجب أن يترك وأن يرفض مع البيان والإيضاح حتى لا يهلك هالك إلا عن بينة
Every Bid'ah and every misguidance and every manhaj that opposes the Shar'ia of Allaah then it is waajib to abandon them. It is waajib to call all the all of the people to be upon the manhaj on which the Messenger (sallalaahu 'alaihi wasallam) was upon during his lifetime, and after that on which his companions and the Rightly Guided Caliphs after him and those who followed them, the Imaams of guidance, and the righteous Salaf were upon. The manhaj al qaweem on which those who followed them were upon, the Siraat al-Mustaqeem.
This is the manhaj that it is waajib to hold on to and cling on to, and traverse upon. And every one of those who opposes this of which the people has innovated then it is waajib to abandon and reject them, clarifying them with a clear clarification up until no ones is destroyed except with evidence.
(majmoo al fatawa shaykh ibn baaz, volume 3, page 132)
A Treatment for Egotism
A Treatment for Egotism
It is reported that Imâm Al-Shâfi’î – Allâh have mercy on him – said:
If you fear becoming deluded and impressed by your deeds then remember whose pleasure you are seeking, and the joy (Paradise) in which you want to be, and what punishment you fear. Whoever thinks about these things will diminish his deeds.
Al-Dhahabî, Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ` 10:42.
Source: http://www.sayingsofthesalaf.net/index.php/a-treatment-for-egotism/
The dominance of jinn over humans